Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gobble 'Til You Wobble

Hi everyone!  I know this may be late, but we ran into some time constraints when making our Thanksgiving Unit for Teacher's Pay Teachers.  It's called "Gobble 'Til You Wobble," Sandra came up with the name, I thought it was really cute.  Go check it out, if you don't use it this year you can keep it and use it next year.  Here is a copy of a turkey hand print poem that has been around for years.  We translated it and added it to our unit in both languages, just click on the link for a free copy.  I usually add a picture of each student and glue it by their name.
I also just wanted to post a picture of a couple of Thanksgiving charts that I made for the morning message.  I had a sub on Friday and she did a very good job on my Thanksgiving KWL chart.  The other one is a thinking map, they tend to get a little boring so I decided to make a Turkey out of my circle map.  Check them out!
Hope you still have time to use some of these ideas.  Don't forget about our "Gobble 'Til You Wobble" unit on TPT!  We hope you enjoy your break and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
-<3 Cindy

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